Social engagement

INTOS and its employees are regularly involved in social projects.

Aktion Deutschland hilft (Action Germany helps)

Aktion Deutschland Hilft was founded in 2001 by 10 renowned German aid organizations to provide fast and effective joint aid in the event of major disasters.

Lebenshilfe Giessen

"With over 1,700 employees, the Lebenshilfe Gießen group of companies is committed to ensuring that people with and without disabilities can live together as a matter of course. In around 70 facilities and services in the city and district of Giessen.".

GAIN - Global Aid Network

"GAiN" means "win" in German and is short for Global Aid Network. The name describes our vision: With our work we want to help the poorest and most disadvantaged people in the world, who cannot help themselves, to gain a new perspective for their lives and hope for their future.